In Miami, the traffic can be …….. Murder.

I just found out from Annette that David Caruso, who plays Horiatio Caine in CSI Miami, also played Kit-Kat in the movie “Hudson Hawk”, a movie which is mostly hated by everyone but is a cult hit and a personal favourite of mine.

Totally. Gobsmacked.

This makes both CSI Miami and Hudson Hawk SO MUCH BETTER.


  1. I really liked Hudson Hawk when it first came out (I still do, I suppose) and I never understood why it was a “bad” movie.

    And, yeah, Caruso with dyed black hair! No sunglasses and no “Yeeeeow!” though.

  2. He wore sunnies in some scenes. And a hot red dress in others.

  3. You should read With Nails – Richard E Grant’s film diary. The chapter on Hudson Hawk is remarkably painful…

    • Added to my Amazon wish list. Will be included in my next order. Thanks! AAAA++++ AWESOME COMMENTER WOULD ALLOW TO COMMENT AGAIN. HAIL SATAN.

  4. How could ANYONE hate Hudson Hawk. I love that movie 🙂

  5. I still say

    That Hudson Hawk is Brucie Willis best film… just putting that out there.

  6. Fuck, really? Really? Fuck.