Cut. Print. LOL.

Annette and I attended the screening of the Rapid Results video for iContact (that and I were DoP and Camera N00b on, respectively). I was mildly shocked that the “Black Tie” part of the invitation which I disregarded as an obvious joke was taken seriously by many others. And it was catered. Professionally. By people in uniforms, serving champagne and little chicken things on sticks. In fact, I think the budget for the screening must have exceeded the budget for the shoot itself considerably. This was, perhaps, a lesson in politics in the entertainment industry.

Everyone involved in the production got up, were clapped at, and were presented with a copy of the final DVD image. There were a couple of speakers, including John Sumner who played the camera guy in the 2005 King Kong release.

The footage itself came out .. reasonably well, I think. There are some WILD colour mismatches between my Camera and the Sony cam that Raj used – I saw these instantly in the film. A couple of the sequences came out well – the Aggressive Phone Call Ending Stewardess in particular was very good, and very well edited in the end.