So, annettle an I went to the Circadian Rhythms gig at the K Rd ballroom last night. A couple of live bands – The Syndicate and N.U.T.E – who were pretty good, in a Live, Local Goth-Industral kind of way. Chris tells me that N.U.T.E’s…
So, annettle an I went to the Circadian Rhythms gig at the K Rd ballroom last night. A couple of live bands – The Syndicate and N.U.T.E – who were pretty good, in a Live, Local Goth-Industral kind of way. Chris tells me that N.U.T.E’s…
Annette and I went to see the new Harry Potter movie tonight – it was pretty good, a lot darker than the last, which was nice. Alan Rickman and Gary Oldman acted circles aound everyone else. The kid who plays Harry Potter is actually a pretty crap actor, especially when compared…
So, I’m sorting out music for my ipod, since I’m sick and I can’t sleep. AND! AMAZING! That Mr Mister song from, like, the mid-80’s is named “Kyrie” and I’m thinking “What on earth kind of name is that?” and SO it turns out that…
So, I just finally this weekend watched “Firefly”, a TV show by Joss Whedon. I’ve been kinda dodging it, because basically “A _space western_? No. Really? Bullshit. Really?” and some time ago I watched one episode (“Train Job”) and wasn’t very impressed by it. But, this weekend I…
So, they’re making a movie of Hellblazer, one of my favourite comics. “Excellent!” I thought. Then I remembered the recent Punisher and Daredevil movies and I had second thoughts. And they were “…or, perhaps, it’ll pretty much suck!” So, I go find out what’s going on with…
I have been playing a computer game called “Hitman: Contracts”. I’m not very far into it yet. In this game you, a hitman, get chucked into an environment and are given various tasks like “Kill Count Vladmir Wossname.” and “Also kill his son, Norbert.” and “Prevent Person X from…
I heard a song lyric today that made me think immediately of Annette: “..up in my head, there’s an animal kingdom, I am the king of the animals there.” – The Meat Puppets. At least, it reminds me of Annette if you ignore of the darker subtexts, anyway. If all…
Just got back from Waiheke Island for the small-scale launch of ICONZ’s new (and rather excellent) wireless product. It’s a Joint Venture with Emagen Tech, and Emagen includes the mad skillz of my mate Moz, so that’s all good. I think it’ll sell like hotcakes, and…