So, annettle an I went to the Circadian Rhythms gig at the K Rd ballroom last night. A couple of live bands – The Syndicate and N.U.T.E – who were pretty good, in a Live, Local Goth-Industral kind of way. Chris tells me that N.U.T.E’s…

Screw You, Crime!

Annette and I went to see the new Harry Potter movie tonight – it was pretty good, a lot darker than the last, which was nice. Alan Rickman and Gary Oldman acted circles aound everyone else. The kid who plays Harry Potter is actually a pretty crap actor, especially when compared…


So, I just finally this weekend watched “Firefly”, a TV show by Joss Whedon. I’ve been kinda dodging it, because basically “A _space western_? No. Really? Bullshit. Really?” and some time ago I watched one episode (“Train Job”) and wasn’t very impressed by it. But, this weekend I…


So, they’re making a movie of Hellblazer, one of my favourite comics. “Excellent!” I thought. Then I remembered the recent Punisher and Daredevil movies and I had second thoughts. And they were “…or, perhaps, it’ll pretty much suck!” So, I go find out what’s going on with…

Bind to "Q"

I have been playing a computer game called “Hitman: Contracts”. I’m not very far into it yet. In this game you, a hitman, get chucked into an environment and are given various tasks like “Kill Count Vladmir Wossname.” and “Also kill his son, Norbert.” and “Prevent Person X from…

The Best Kingdom

I heard a song lyric today that made me think immediately of Annette: “..up in my head, there’s an animal kingdom, I am the king of the animals there.” – The Meat Puppets. At least, it reminds me of Annette if you ignore of the darker subtexts, anyway. If all…

Radio GooGoo

Just got back from Waiheke Island for the small-scale launch of ICONZ’s new (and rather excellent) wireless product. It’s a Joint Venture with Emagen Tech, and Emagen includes the mad skillz of my mate Moz, so that’s all good. I think it’ll sell like hotcakes, and…