Tiddlywinks, you say? Is there a manual?

I just had the following conversation with Chris R, on the subject of Doom 3, which is available now in Illegal 0day warez form: Chris: did you need the manual? JSR: Dude. It’s Doom. There are guns. For the shooting. Also: Zombies. Chris: That’s what I figured. JSR:…

Tiny Tiny Laptop

This is a picture of a test laptop that crossed my lab bench today. It’s the silver thing sitting _on top of_ my regular old Dell laptop. A CD has been included for sizing purposes. Teeny! But it has built in ethernet and usb and a VGA port and…

More 80s.

Other 80’s songs are now being pondered. Funkytown. 9 to 5. Eye of the Tiger. Though that got used in an excellent recent starbucks ad, so maybe not. Tainted Love. Eye in the Sky. What a feeling (from Flashdance) Total Eclipse of the Heart. Love will tear us apart.…


So, I’ve been letting my subconscious mull over what to do for my very first effort at a short film. I had some criteria worked out, namely that it should be very short (since I have zero experience in these matters) with a simple script, combine a couple of…

Start Wreck

So, I stopped watching “Star Trek: Enterprise” or “Enterprise” or “Enterprise Trek: To The Stars” in the middle of Season Two, once I realised that I had seen about thirty episodes or so, and still couln’t remember what anyone’s name was. And that furthermore I didn’t much…

Stupid Corporate Tricks

I responded to a tender request easlier today at work. Nothing weird about that, it’s a common event, but this particular one was an eye-opener. Now, most Requests For Proposals (RFPs) are slightly anal about responses – you need to make sure that you accurately answer all their questions, and…

Willy Nelson in Tin Foil?

Every so often, I come to the conclusion that the Internet has made me knowledgeable about weird-ass fetishes. No matter WHAT you’re into, I think, there’s probably a web page with support forums, or a complete webring, that deals with it. And then people point me in the…