Shine A Light
On this date, in 1776, Adam Weishaupt founded “The Order of Perfectibilists”. It was later renamed “The Order of the Illuminati”. A big “Happy Birthday!” shoutout to mah illuminatd homies.…
On this date, in 1776, Adam Weishaupt founded “The Order of Perfectibilists”. It was later renamed “The Order of the Illuminati”. A big “Happy Birthday!” shoutout to mah illuminatd homies.…
I’ve been thinking about things nerdish lately, especially after looking at all these newbie star wars geeks camping out for Episode III. What the fuck are you doing, people? “MAYBE it won’t suck” is NOT a good enough reason to go see a movie, much less sit outdoors…
I finally tipped over into Level 60 last night. Okay, around 0300 this morning. Now I can get started playing my alts. 🙂 But I can back off the pace a bit, is the key thing. Just some casual playing now, that’s the ticket.…
Annette hit Level 60 last night in World of Warcraft. Go Annette! Now she’s one of the biggest, toughest, warriors … who happens to be a very short female gnome with her pink hair in pigtails …. in the entire game. Go Annette! I, of course, continue to Bring the Holy…
Okay, now that I have slept, and had a lot of liquid to drink, here’s a update on last nights concert. If in my entire life I ever manage to rock half as much as George Clinton still rocks at age 67, I will be a happy man. Truly,…
This from Reuters: Top Cardinal Blasts ‘Da Vinci Code’ as ‘Cheap Lies’ Choice quote: “You can find that book everywhere and the risk is that many people who read it believe that those fairy tales are real,” [Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone] said. You certainly wouldn’t want people reading a book…
I recently purchased “The Gallery of Regrettable Food” and “Interior Desecrations” by James Lileks. They are, respectively, a book about horrible food from the 50’s through to the 70’s, and a book about horrible interior design from the 70’s. I read the Gallery first. It was funny…
Someone’s willing to contribute US$3M to keep the crapfest that was “Enterprise” dragging on for another fucking season. In related news, (a) “Firefly” and “Mystery Science Theatre 3000” are STILL OFF THE AIR, and (b) There Is No God. JSR…