I purchased Half Life 2 today, at lunchtime. Left work slightly early because I really wanted to see if it was any good. Probably started playing it at around 1630 hours or so.
It’s now 0133, the next day. And I’m only stopping playing it because really, I have to get some sleep before work. If I were 5 years younger, I’d be strongly tempted to try for an all-nighter, but I can’t really do that sort of thing like I used to.
Truly, this game is excellent. Fun to play, engaging storyline, etc. And the graphics .. simply the best looking video-game I have so far seen in my lifetime. And not just the excellent engine, the _art direction_ in this game is nothing short of magnificent. The City 17 environment is spectacular.
There are going to be 10,000 mods for this engine, I am sure. I truly can’t wait.
Must sleep now. Then work. Then back to HL2.