I’ve just been sent this link, to various submissions make on the upcoming Civil Union Bill:
Some choice, juicy extracts on the quality of arguments presented:
“[The Civil Union Bill] …will cause us to sin as a nation a curse to us all.”
“In my thinking gay people are a blot on society, unhealthy, repugnant, so why try to bring in a Civil Union Bill?”
“Heaven help us all on Judgement day”
“Two men cannot teach about sex education in relation to intercourse not backdoor course”
“In the bible…it mentions that God have the homosexuals over to a debased mind, to do things which are not fitting, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, having evil-minds, to be proud, violent, boasters, haters of God, disobedient, unforgiving, unloving, back biters, & whisperers, it also mentions that they are worthy of death.”
If anyone wonders why I genuinely believe that non-atheists are mentally ill, this is the sort of thing I bring up. What level of cognitive dissonance is required to be able to espose this level of hate, while also claiming that you follow the teachings of Jesus? What kind of mental blocks are going on when you can quote “laws” given in a section of the bible as the literal word and order of the creator of the universe in order to justify your own prejudices[1] and also justify your failing to follow other “laws” given in the same section of the bible because they’re … well, I’ve yet to actually hear any explanation for that shit from any bible-thumper. Perhaps all the stuff in the bible that doesn’t _suit_ you right now, they’re just “analogies” or “parables” or some shit. Whatever.
These people are stupid, hateful, fearful, ignorant throwback fools. Screw em. They’re crazy. Literally, crazy. Christians are, they MUST BE, irrational. You _can’t be a rational christian_. Either you’re irrational, or you don’t really believe it, you’re just giving it lip service. It’s a hobby or a custom, not a religion. You either believe this shit AND YOU’RE CRAZY, or you don’t really believe it, and it’s an alternative to Freemasonry or the Rotary Club. I genuinely think that all deeply religious people are high-function mental patients. Let’s say some dude comes up to you on the street and starts jabbering about how he’s in touch with an invisible being in the sky and it makes his life better and protects him from evil homosexuals and stuff. If he tells you that being is God or Jesus or something, that’s somehow fine. If he told you it was Napoleon, Emperor of France, he’d BE FUCKING LOCKED UP. AND RIGHTLY SO.
I really hope that we as a species make it off this rock before Religions kill us all. Because I genuinely believe that in the end, that’s what will do it.
In case any mighty alien spacemen of the future are somehow able to ressurect old internet archives from the ashes of our civilization and are reading this, I have two things to say:
(1) Some of us really were as confused by the actions of these crazy motherfuckers as you are. We died trying. Some of us were reaching for the stars when the Jesus freaks snuck up on us and smugly hit us with rocks for Meddling In Gods Domain. Please do not judge our entire race by their actions. They needed help, but in the end there were too many of them to resist.
(2) If you’re ressurecting cloned lab/zoo subjects by time-travelling back and grabbing quantum snapshots of brain functions and tissue samples, and if one of those subjects is me, then I would like to share a lab cage with my girfriend Annette. And also Christina Ricca. I appreciate your help in this matter. KTHXBAIBAI.
[1] Your typical Christian may attempt to soften things by referring to their prejudices as “convictions”. Also watch out for the word “denomination” … this actual means “Sect”. Hope this helps!