Best. Business. Plan. EVER.

Todd Peters, VP of marketing for the Windows Mobile Division said that while Microsoft was looking into beefing up WinMo’s features, its strategy for the new year was to limit the number of devces using the OS. Right now about 140 cellphones use WinMo. Peters said Microsoft is hoping…

Population: Tyre

Mid afternoon today, I phoned my friendly and excellent mechanic (since he’s now back from holiday), and I said “I’ll bring the car in tomorrow morning, it’s started sort of juddering and wobbling a little bit, and the juddering increases with speed. I’ve checked the tyres…

Backups. So 90's. has fallen and can’t get up. The post on their site describes how their entire database was overwritten through either some inconceivable OS or application bug, or more likely a malicious act. Regardless of how the…

Call this the future?

So, it’s now 2009. Only a year until the time frame of the sequel to 2001: A Space Oddessy. And I do not have any of the following: – A jetpack – An atomic-powered anything – A robot butler – A ray gun – Food pills Unacceptable. We can do better than this.…