I’ve been talking to friends recently about how keen I am on The New Sincerity, and basically doing away (except when it’s really merited) with being only ironically in favour of stuff, and indeed also doing away with generally being sarcastic about more-or-less everything in the world.
It’s VERY EASY to make fun of pretty much everything humans do, as we’re really very silly creatures. It’s much harder to actually be interested in things and honestly pleased by them .. and be willing to express this in the kind of culture I’m immersed in daily where poking fun is expected and rewarded, and actually liking stuff just makes you a target for the previously mentioned fun-poking.
With that in mind, I would like to inform readers that I watch a lot of episodes of the anime version of Naruto, and I like it. The characters are all quite stereotypical, especially for anime, but those stereotypes exist for a reason – they tend to connect with you, in a Hero of 1000 Faces manner.
This show is both popular, and aimed at kids, so anime fans of the neckbeard variety do tend to look down on it a bit – those kind of people tend to have some commonality with indy music kids, in that the minute something is popular, it’s instantly less cool! … Exclusivity is greatly prized.
I, however, happily admit that I like it a lot.
So, given that I am trying to stop trying to be Too Cool For School, and that I already like one kids anime show, I am going to engage in an experiment.
I am going to watch the most hated kids anime show, and I’m going to try to watch it honestly an unironically, and I’m going to post the results here to my journal.
I intend to watch every single episode of Dragonball Z, and report my findings to you.