So, unexpected message from Karen yesterday, at around 5.30 or so, saying “Hey, don’t forget, go see Debra at 7.00pm tonight!” which I was able to do, but (drat!) couldn’t bring Annette along. I caught up with some old friends, with whom I thought there might be drama (and it wouldn’t have surprised me if there was, for historical reasons which all involving me being a total fucking asswipe) but hey, who’d have thought it, much time has passed and we’re all adults now. Huzzah!
Nice to see Debra again, I’d forgotten how funny she is to talk to.
And Moira was unexpectedly there, though I _should_ have guessed that she might be, given Debra’s involvement with the whole comic/zine scene.
On an unrelated note, The Geekiest Moment Ever. Annette and I, tucked up in bed, she curled up checking livejournal on her laptop, me writing a FAQ for my web site on my laptop, and a Mystery Science Theatre 3000 DVD playing on the TV in the corner. NERDS!