The dubs

I had a discussion with Isaac F the other day, in which we discussed government conspiracy theories, and he stated that he didn’t really think that the US government did the conspiracy theory thing any more and instead it just came out and said what evil stuff it was doing and trusted in the populace being too evil and/or stupid themselves to care about it.

I laughed at the time, but:

The Bush adminstration, in direct contravention of US law, authorises electronic surveillance of US citizens without obtaining any warrants to do so. Someone then leaks the fact that this is happening. Bush then stands up, in public, and (straightfaced) says that leaking this info about his illegal activities is “shameful”.

Doesn’t even make me mad any more, just makes me laugh. There are times when I am so pleased I don’t live in the US. Now, for example. Thankfully this guy is not the leader of my country, but I’ll still be plenty glad when the dude retires from office.