I Want The D. If You Know What I Mean.

Now I have to stay calm.

I have to try not to EXPLODE with PURE ROCK JOY and become one with the cosmos.


Tenacius D are playing a concert here in December.

There were four or five e-mails and one ICQ message waiting for me this morning when I got to work, all from various friends saying something along the line of “OMG D00D TENAYSHUSS DEE R TOURIN’ WTFHAX!” only in syntactically and grammatically correct english, because I don’t actually have any friends who can’t spell Tenacious and if I did I’d stab them good and hard.

I am pretty damn happy. I wonder if there’s some excuse I could try to make in order to meet JB and KG and do the drooling fanboy thing. Perhaps I could quickly create an NZ Tenacious D website, and try to interview them for that.