Goddamn Cat

I really miss my cat.

It’s incredible how a pet will get under your skin. You get totally accustomed to them. On a basic level, my brain still can’t accept that I can walk into the kitchen and _open the fridge_ without causing Elvis to materialise with his familiar little jingle of flea-collar bell ringing.

A very specific jingle, at that. Only Elvis waddled in that specific manner.

Can’t believe how sad I am.

It’s times like this that really remind me how lucky I am to have found Annette. I’ve spent a lot of my life either single or in bullshit relationships, only a handful of them have had a lot of meaning to me. If I was single now, I’d be _really_ torn up AND lonely. But no – my beloved is nearby, and she misses Mr Fuzzface as much as I do.

Amazing how much of a wuss I’m being, over a freakin’ cat.