So, various friends and I have been discussing the notion of Urban Exploration. This is a fancy-pants term for, like, nosing around areas which are off-limits to the general public. My various personality-units all think this sounds like a plan – Nerd-JSR is already making lists of the equipment required, Evil-JSR likes it cos NO-ONE FUCKING TELLS ME WHERE I CAN AND CANNOT GO an Monkey-Mind-JSR likes it because it’ll involve some thought about how best to gain access to the target, dodge security, etc.
Since we’re only discussing accessing and nosing around the areas in question, and taking pictures, the worst possible outcome would be a breaking and entering charge (easily settleable down to tresspass, or simply paid off to the target to make go away) and frankly, even that is unlikely, if they’re semi-public areas that we’re simply not meant to be accessing. I mean, we’re talking the secret bits of abandoned-railways-stations/asylums/etc here, not people’s houses.
So, anyway, some feedback from the livejournal community is welcome on the following important nerd subject:
What stuff should we take that’ll be useful for this sort of thing? Bearing in mind that we may be in physically nasty circumstances, like in half-demolished buildings, semi-flooded tunnels, slowly-closing-garbage-pits, etc.
So, far, my list is as follows:
Flexible, warm, but rugged clothing (black).
Possibly Tabi Boots (for chain link fences, etc)
2-way radios (possibly also police scanner)
Small, bright flashlight – adjustable beam
Digital Camera (w GPRS kit for immediate updating)
GPS rig
Any thoughts on this are welcome.