
“Idol” shows. American Idol. NZ Pop Idol. So You Want To Be An Idol. Survivor Island: Idol. I don’t get them. At all. Apart from the schadenfreude of watching the shitpile auditions in the first episode, why would anyone watch this stuff? Ever? Any yet, they’re hugely popular,…


Just got back from the early screening of Serenity. I enjoyed it VASTLY. I’m likely to go see it again when it’s in general release, and I’ll certainly buy the DVD. Especially if there’s commentary. Sweet sweet commentary. It’s like candy to me. Joss Whedons’…

Can't Park There

The news just reported that they have unconfirmed reports that someone is flying over Auckland in a (stolen?) light aircraft, and in communications with the police has threatened to crash it into the Sky Tower. I have _equipment_ in the Sky Tower. Expensive stuff! Goddamn it! I’m sure as…

Movin' On Up

Annette has packed pretty much the whole apartment. I shall end up packing my desk stuff and computer stuff. Everything else, the vast majority of which can be described as “All the damn books”, has been packed by Annette. I have offered sage advice like “Wow, awesome packing there!” and…

2005 MTV Music Video Awards. No, Really.

You are about to read my review of the (illegally downloaded from the internets) 2005 MTV Music Video Awards. It shall be presented in the format of: I shall type my thoughts while watching into this blog update page. I won’t comment on everything, just stuff that actually makes…


This, as far as I can make out, is how Hogwarts breaks down: Gryffindor – The Heroes! Slytherin – Evil! Hufflepuff – We Have A Stupid Name! Ravenclaw – The Other One! So, like, basically Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw are the “filler” houses, there to round things out so you don’t just have a…