"Muslim? Nearly killed 'im!"

There seem to be some US citizens who’re getting quite irate about the possibility that the President of Iran, during his visit to the US, will be going to the site where the World Trade Center buildings used to be in order to lay a wreath and pay his…


I saw this linked to on IRC today… NBC to Offer a Free Video Download Service. ..along with some tech info about the system. This is NBC’s huge response to the fact that The Kids are watching less TV than ever, and getting their entertainment from the Internet instead.…


Here’s a relatively boring article about US cities passing laws punishing the wearing of baggy pants. Which is not so interesting, except in an eye-rolling sort of manner when you consider how long legislation tends to be around for, compared to the lightning-swift changes in fashion. Baggy pants? Already…

Whale of Time

A lot of people read the Wheel of Time series of books, by Mr Robert Jordan. I, myself, grew bored with them about 4 books into it. And that was back in the early 1990s. Still, some people I know have “stuck with it” and “struggled on” and so forth,…

I Just .. Look Away

Just finished watching The IT Crowd S02E04, which was brilliant AND had lots of Richmond in, which is like having a really good hamburger with REALLY excellent relish on it. I was talking to a friend the other day about some of the podcasts I listen to (like the always…

Just don't hearth out

I woke this morning from a dream that I was a World of Warcraft Paladin floating in space, safely enclosed in my bubble, watching the heat death of the universe take place. All you could see was dying stars, their last energies output as light, illuminating me and all the…

My Girl Is The Best

Annette gently woke me around lunchtime today (I tend to use weekends as a chance to catch up with my sleep) with the news that she’d just gotten back from the farmers market and as a result there was fresh handmade bread, sausages and cheese on the table for…