In Other News, Man Also Buys Car

Reported today in National leader John Key has just got a late Christmas present most New Zealand families being squeezed by soaring interest rates and high prices would envy – a tropical holiday home in Hawaii. Now … I am not at all pro-National, though I was actually a…


The NZ Herald tech columnist Peter Griffin[1] writes the following: I’ve been back and forth on email over the last few weeks with a Herald reader who believes his internet connection is being throttled back extensively because he is a big user of peer-to-peer file sharing systems. I…

An Austrian army, awfully arrayed....

So the battery life on my Nokia N95 phone has never, frankly, been very stellar. However, in the last couple of days I have been using a bluetooth keyboard with it, and thus I have had to enable Bluetooth on the phone, which previously was disabled. This has had what…

Is it real? Or is it Memorex?

I’ve been watching episodes of an anime called “Denno Coil” (which translates, I believe, as “Circle of Children”) which are set in a world where augmented reality (in this case, via digital overlays to human vision by means of special technoglasses) is commonplace and mainstream. The show is a…

Seriously, Why?

As someone who lives in an apartment in central Auckland, I usually find myself late on friday and saturday nights asking the following question: Why must there be fuckwits? Who thinks that the busy, sometimes crowded, lots-of-traffic-lights-having central Auckland streets are the IDEAL FUCKING PLACE to hold an impromptu race…

The Memory Hole

A nice little diatribe from Illinois legislative rep Monique Davis, directed towards Rob Sherman, an atheist activist. Sherman objects to the Illinois governor donating $1M in tax dollars to a local Baptist church. And well he should. But while testifying about this before the legislature, Davis launched into her delightful…