More like iPWN, amirite?

I will probably not be buying an iPhone 3G. For starters, in NZ the new Vodafone plans launched for the iPhone are laughably terrible. It’s a given that no-one is buying an iPhone and not anticipating using it for web browsing and whatnot, so you’d expect that iPhone-specific…

Who dis?

People who I only really know through various online services and who send me friend requests on Facebook should probably include a message with their nicknames, because I do tend to keep my friends list pared down to just my actual friends. So I end up saying stuff like: “A…

Look! Up in the sky!

Okay, so. Superbishops. Special, super, bishops. That only guys can be. Because obviously they’re needed, now that women can be regular bishops. Oh course, when women get to be Superbishops, I guess they’ll have to make Ultrabishops, or Hyperbishops or OMEGA BISHOPS. Can’t really have women being…


The GODDAMN Internet! I HAS IT! I guess Telecom fixed our DSL at the exchange today, because we have connectivity again, and no tech has come out here. Honestly, it’s like stepping free into the sunlight after a long and injust imprisonment.…

Toot Toot! Get on board!

Late last thursday morning, my home DSL connection failed. When I got home, I logged into the router and saw no login, no line protocol, and no carrier signal. But we still had a dial tone. So as a final test, I unplugged our filter and plugged the phone directly…

The chances of anything coming from Mars...

Chris: ha! latest news from the phoenix lander on the soil samples… Chris: “Sam Kounaves, the lead investigator for the wet chemistry laboratory on Phoenix, told journalists: ‘It is the type of soil you would probably have in your back yard, you know, alkaline. You might be able to grow…

7 Words.

Crap. George Carlin has died. An extremely funny man, and a great influence on me during my formative years. I have only this to say: Shit. Piss. Fuck. Cunt. Cocksucker. Motherfucker. Tits.…