A good time was had by all.

Friday night was my Stag Night, kindly organised by by good friend Chris. He and my other groomsman Grant attended, as did various other chums. I requested something civilised, since I’m old enough that the prospect of hookers and drunkenness[1] fills me with an emotion that I’m…

Operating Systems _AND YOU_!

So, as was my custom, I was thinking about operating systems the other day. It occured to me that after my first two computers (a ZX81 and a ZX spectrum), I had a Commodore Amiga. This was around 1986 or so. Used it right through to the early 90s. The…

A Delicious Slice of My Life

[MojoBob] jsr: aren’t you supposed to be getting married or something? It’s February [jsr] Affirmative. [jsr] Wedding looming. [@jenza] Where you holding it? [@jenza] Ironforge? [jsr] jenza: Man, that would be _sweet_. [@rob2] Only if you could book it out. [jsr] On the AH bridge [jsr] FTW [@jenza]…


Annette moved to the edge of a sheer, icy cliff and paused a moment, surveying the battlefield below. Even at this height, she could hear the noise of the Lich Kings’ undead forces clashing with the combined might of the Alliance and the Horde. She thought back on the countless…

More like iFAIL amirite?

My iPhone has started being normal volume in the left channel, and really quiet in the right channel. This behaviour persists through several sets of headphones (and headphones perform normally on other audio devices) and through a complete iPhone restore, including firmware. I .. I think it’s actually … broken. Can…

Best. Business. Plan. EVER.

Todd Peters, VP of marketing for the Windows Mobile Division said that while Microsoft was looking into beefing up WinMo’s features, its strategy for the new year was to limit the number of devces using the OS. Right now about 140 cellphones use WinMo. Peters said Microsoft is hoping…