So much stuff going on at the moment. Anyway, okay, spare house is now on the market officially, and the realtor doesn’t think my price and time frames are unreasonable. Sweet! Offer for the new apartment completed, and the bank is fine as long as we sell the spare…


A friend posted this to IRC today: America. Please. Enough. [Edit: A comment from Menolly saying “That’s so funny!” makes me edit this, to say: This is not a photoshopped joke. This is REAL.]…

Countdown to WAR!

From, parody site without peer: “U.S. intelligence confirms that, even as we speak, Saddam is preparing tanks and guns and other weapons of deadly force for use in our upcoming war against him,” Bush said Sunday during his weekly radio address. “This madman has every intention of…

Don't Mention The War

Someone on IRC the other day said “Someone should point out to Gearge Bush that when the Germans don’t want to go to war, you must really have fuck-all grounds for it.” Later in the same discussion, that same person said “Well, don’t blame me, I voted for…

A New Bike Appears

No update for ages. Kevin Costner is Dances with Wolves, and I am Sucks at Journals. However here’s some key stuff since previous updatey: – Dave F and Steve P both resigned at work. This is not cool. They’re both full of clue, and it’s ICONZ’ loss IMHO.…

Serious Post

Poor Annette got a phone call this morning from her mum, to tell her that one of her uncles had died, apparently by suicide. No-one I’d met, and not one she’d had much to do with, apparently, but still.. amazingly sucky. I am fairly perplexed by suicide. There…

The Two Towers

I’ve just returned from Wellington, where I saw the cast and crew screening of the second movie in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Two Towers. And it’s _all class_. Another lengthy offering from Peter Jackson, this one clocks in at 3hours. But I didn’t notice…