Max Payne 2

I’d been playing Max Payne 2 for the last 3 days. That’s the same amount of time Jesus spent in the cave. Coincidence? I didn’t believe in coincidence. I hadn’t played the original, though many people had told me about it. And then told me I…

A Busy Saturday

What a weird weekend. Sunday I spent mostly asleep, as I didn’t feel very well for much of it. Saturday, however: Started off with me attending (briefly) the Small Print event, a gathering designed to sell/show off books, workshop, names-to-faces, etc the New Zealand ‘zine community. Which, okay,…


From “The [RIAA] filed 261 lawsuits against computer users it said were exclusively “egregious” file swappers, marking the first time copyright laws have been used on a mass scale against individual Net users. The barrage of lawsuits signaled a turning point in the industry’s three-year fight against…

Exploring Some Urbans

So, various friends and I have been discussing the notion of Urban Exploration. This is a fancy-pants term for, like, nosing around areas which are off-limits to the general public. My various personality-units all think this sounds like a plan – Nerd-JSR is already making lists of the equipment required, Evil-JSR…

Carry on my warward son...

I’ve spend much of today listening to 70’s stadium rock … man, it’s the greatest. Right up there with 80’s power ballads and heavy metal, and that’s saying something. Been reading some new comics, firstly J. Michael Stracztnski’s “Rising Stars” which is (as expected) utterly…


This may well be the single best chocolate chip cookies recipe ever: Ingredients: 1.) 532.35 cm3 gluten 2.) 4.9 cm3 NaHCO3 3.) 4.9 cm3 refined halite 4.) 236.6 cm3 partially hydrogenated tallow triglyceride 5.) 177.45 cm3 crystalline C12H22O11 6.) 177.45 cm3 unrefined C12H22O11 7.…

Moving. Sucks. Ass.

“Hey, let’s save a few bucks, let’s have a bit more money to put in as equity on the new place! Let’s … MOVE OURSELVES! We can just rent a truck, pack everything in it, it’ll be no big deal.” Bollocks. If you’re ever thinking about…

Reporting for duty, Keptin.

I saw this on PvP today, on Scott Kurtzs “A piece of my mind” column, where he was talking about a Trek convention he’d recently attended: “Mark taps me on the shoulder and motions me to look over to the right. Next to Wil’s table is a table…