Pew Pew Pew!

Christian FUD:   “Georgia students could graduate from high school without learning much about evolution, and may never even hear the word uttered in class. New middle and high school science standards proposed by state Schools Superintendent Kathy Cox strike references to “evolution” and replace them with the term “biological changes…

Cerebus the Aardvark

Cerebus the Aardvark is at Issue 300, which means that (a) Dave Sim will have written, drawn and self-published 300 issues of a comic book (about an anthropomophic aardvark) from 1977 to 2004, and (b) That I might finally get around to buying the last few trade paperback phonebooks in…

Excuse me? Oonst? I say, Oonst?

I had a sudden and drastic urge to DANCE tonight. If I was still cool enough to have even a vague clue about where The Kids go these days with their raves and their drugs and stuff, I might have gone out. But it wouldn’t have been any fun…


So, I just found out that Annette has frantically been sending me mail to my personal account (which I have been mostly ignoring, cos work has been busy as and I was expecting her to mail me at my work account. And I have been frantically sending mail to the…


Annette left for Japan today. She’s only been gone a few hours, and I already miss her. Our room is SO QUIET without her around. I may have to go out for a drive or something. 15 days to go!…