Return of the King - Extended Edition

I watched The Return of the King – Extended Edition last night, and was mostly impressed with the extra stuff they put back in. It was definitely nice to see Saruman meet his doom, instead of just .. vanishing. I’m still perplexed at their dropping that from the theatrical release. And…

Civil Liberties Bill

I’ve just been sent this link, to various submissions make on the upcoming Civil Union Bill: Some choice, juicy extracts on the quality of arguments presented:   “[The Civil Union Bill] …will cause us to sin as a nation a…

And So It Begins

Woohoo! World of Warcraft! If anyone is about to start playing, I humbly invite you to play on the Hyjal realm server, which is in “Pacific” time zone region. Cos that’s where I’ll be.…

Just like Gamera

Annette and I are planning to go to Japan for a holiday next year – I’ve never been before and greatly want to go, and Annette LOVED her time there, so she’s totally into it. Anyway, I mentioned this to a friend who had lived in Japan for a…

Two Half Lives Makes One Whole One

I purchased Half Life 2 today, at lunchtime. Left work slightly early because I really wanted to see if it was any good. Probably started playing it at around 1630 hours or so. It’s now 0133, the next day. And I’m only stopping playing it because really, I…

Furnishings and Whatnot

Criminy. Insanely busy weekend – we had the MAD URGE to change the apartment layout, so all day saturday and sunday, with much arguing about what should be where any why, and much scale-model manipulations in Photoshop (Note: Next time, Visio. So much easier.) and suchlike, we managed to nearly finish,…

Thumbsticks 0, Mouse 1

I just tried to play Halo2 on my Xbox and JESUS FUCK how can ANYONE even TRY to play a first person shooter on these arse little thumbstick things? “Take that, floor!” “And take THAT, computer console to the left of the alien!” “How’d you like some of THAT,…