Accio Failure!

“Wizardry book in school library upsets some parents” I thought this was going to be a Harry Potter bitchfest, but it wasn’t. Wizardology: The Book of the Secrets of Merlin, was checked out of West Haven’s Molloy Elementary School library by Cary Alonzo’s eight-year-old daughter. “Well, it…

I couldn't possibly comment

On the opposite end of the scale that had Anna Nicole Smith at one end, was the actor Ian Richardson. That statement is true no matter what the scale was measuring – acting ability, class, style, breast size .. anything you like. Ian Richardson played the spectacularly awesome Sir Francis Urquhart in…

Anna Nicole Smith I was going to write a “Candle in the Wind” parody here, but it’s not really required. So long, Anna Nicole. We were laughing at you, not with you.…

A new discovery! Yeah. You know what? If you need three weeks of intensive brainwa… uh… whitewash… uh… counselling in order to “discover” that you’re “completely heterosexual” … then you’re probably not. Just sayin’, is all. Most people can tell these…

Empty suits

From Aardvark today: The [young Maori] girl in question appeared to be bright and intelligent — however her lack of general knowledge and simple comprehension of the world around her drew the quality of her education into focus. Despite all the media coverage (the Sunday papers and TV were full of…

The Big Guy

“LADY LAKE, Fla. — Tornado victims and their supporters turned out for today’s service at a church that was demolished in the killer storms that waylaid central Florida, trying to stay optimistic about the long recovery ahead. The cleanup that began not long after Friday’s destruction took a brief…


Annette’s dad plumbed in our fridge over the weekend, which means that we now have a chilled filtered water dispenser and ice dispenser (cubed or crushed). This pretty much, if I may, rules all. We’ve had the damn fridge for like a year or so, and haven’t…


Ikea sell pretty much the exact desk I’m looking for, adjustable to a wide range of heights, including the all-important standing up one. And it’s quite cheap. I shall await their Auckland store opening with anticipation. I was reading a local Auckland magazine in the cafe today, while…