Parking = No

Someone parked in my park again. At least this time, when he came running out to stop the tow truck, he didn’t try the old “What are you doing? That’s my car!” routine. Which is sad, because I have my “And this is my park. And that sign,…


Annettle and recently watched this years academy awards show. There’s a host segment bit where Ellen DeGeneres talks to Clint Eastwood in the audience, then produces a digital camera and asks for someone to take a picture of her with Clint “..for my Myspace page.” she says. LOL#1.…

I also wanted The Defiant

I watched a TV show called “Star Trek – Beyond the Final Frontier” which was all about a recent Christies auction where Paramount were auctioning off their complete collection of props and sets and stuff for Star Trek, the Original Series, TNG, DS9 and Voyager. And I got to watch these…


I’ve been thinking about payment structures for motion pictures recently – trying to come up with a structure that works well for (relatively) cheap-ass productions, brings certainty to direct investors, doesn’t screw over your cast and crew. The thing I ended up like is partial deferments – this basically shakes…

Jesus and Whatnot

Got into a .. discussion on irc today. It went much like this: Friend: Dude, I read your journal, hahaha, where you said that religious people were crazy, hahahaha, I’d be offended if I thought you were serious. JSR: I was serious. Friend: hahahha lollerskates JSR: No, really. Friend: 🙁 …and…

"He's From Saudi Arabia"

“Police put an undercover agent in a cell with Algerian refugee Ahmed Zaoui and asked him “Where is Osama bin Laden?”, a just-released Police Complaints Authority decision reveals. The agent was to “gather intelligence” with questions such as “Do you like Bin Laden?” and “Where is Osama bin Laden?” Manning…

God Is Hardcore

In a comment to a previous posting, pepperbeast said: If I were a bible-believing sort of a person, I’d probably mention that God makes the sun rise on the good and the evil, and the rain fall on the just and the unjust. [I was going to reply to…