Also Lazlow

I am a big fan of the Grand Theft Auto games. Especially the radio stations therein. So, when I watch an episode of “Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles” and they open with shot of a terminator being constructed and an “In the Future…” voiceover…. I cannot help but finish it…

Scallywags Performing Antics

Politicians behave similarly to high school children when in Parliament. Indeed, the example I am linking to is at the upper end of the scale – no-one was punching anyone else in it, for starters. I didn’t actually know that these supposed adults acted like this until I was a…

I Am Not An American.

Well, I could be – I’m white, and suitably plump, but I’m not American. Nevertheless, I feel like commenting on the US presidential elections, so I shall. I would vote for Obama, it’s not even a contest. Hillary .. seriously, I just cannot get past her war vote. To…

Shameful chest-beating

I was a bit worried about posting this, because I really do want to move beyond bullshit tribal monkey mind, but what the hey: So I’m in the supermarket parking lot, right, with Annette in the front seat and a delightfully full load of shopping in the back. I’…


So this afternoon I spent an extended period of time in consultation with a specialist about my terrible sleep habits. He has diagnosed me, with a VERY high confidence level, as having sleep apnoea and needing attention because of it. I was pretty much expecting this, especially after having more…

In other news, DUH.

Bullying harms kids’ mental health. A new study provides strong evidence that being bullied can cause children to develop depression and anxiety. O RLY? I attended two high schools as my parents switched me from Mountainview High to Timaru Boys High School because they were concerned about my academic performance…

That's the result I would have hoped for

Which Discworld Character are you like (with pics) created with You scored as Lord Havelock Vetinari You are Lord Vetinari! Supreme ruler of Ankh-Morpork! Cool, calculated, and always in control. You graduated from the assassins guild, but failed a course on stealth and camouflage, because the professor never…

Well? Where is it?

Other day, the very excellent Jonathan Coulton posted an entry in his blog in which he dissed on various haters who were posting “You Suck” posts on the top ten youtube covers of Coultons song “I’m Still Alive”, which famously closes out the Portal game. In this post, Coulton…