I’ve not posted in a while – mostly, I think, because I am Sick with The Lurgy and I don’t really want to update daily with “HEAD STILL FULL OF UNWANTED LIQUID LOLZ” and “ROFL THE PAIN WHEN WILL IT END -O_o/- SERIOUSLY KILL ME”.
Sudafed appears to be keeping at least a bit of a lid on it. I can breathe a bit ok, but not really taste anything much.
XMAS! We got lots of food presents … woo! (see above Re: Not Tasting Stuff) … which WILL eventually be cool. Our big mutual present to each other was an xbox 360 with a copy of Guitar Hero III … which is great fun. This is, of course, also a platform for Rock Band when it comes out in Jan. Aw yeah.
Chris R and the lovely Miss Helen have been to visit – it’s nice to see them over from Perth. I re-recorded Chris’ parts from the Fanimatrix Riff Track – I’ll re-record my own once I don’t sound like someone with a comedy cold, all “Gah! By nose is schtuffed!” and whatnot. Then I’ll scrounge the original footage from Raj and put together a Rifftrack version of it. Can’t wait!
Here’s one of the pictures that Richard took of me with the prop Minigun. It’s awesome. New Avatars everywhere, ahoy!