Last night I went to the Hysteria bar on K road to see the Masters of Metal. I hadn’t actually seen this band before, but reviews from my friends were positive, along the lines of:
“OH EM GEE you haven’t seen MoM? [Throws up horns and assumes rock hero pose and 80’s falsetto scream] “You willll love iiittttttt-ah!’….”
So anyway, along I went. MoM are four dudes, probably around my age, fairly rotund gentlemen, dressed in 80’s metal clothes – heavy on the lycra and leopardskin, spiked cuffs, cucumbers down the pants and spiky codpieces. The hugely puffy fluffy wigs and occasional headband completed their various ensembles JUST SO.
And they brought the rock. Oh yes.
They played a whole bunch of 80’s rock and metal. And they played like MEN. That is, sweatily and with much grunting. I am sore in a variety of places today; my feet hurt a lot, from standing up for hours. My neck hurts from headbanging. Luckily my hair has grown back out far enough that I can actually throw it around these days. Even the horn-throwing muscles in my hands hurt slightly.
Hugely awesome. Highly recommend. I shall definitely be attending future gigs.