So, I’m sorting out music for my ipod, since I’m sick and I can’t sleep.
That Mr Mister song from, like, the mid-80’s is named “Kyrie” and I’m thinking “What on earth kind of name is that?” and SO it turns out that a certain lyric is “Kyrie eleison down the road that I must travel”
And NOT, as I had thought for the last 20-ish years “Gimme a laser down the road that I must travel”
And google (which soon will have Don’t Panic stamped on it’s cover) tells me that Kyrie eleison is a pre-christian expression meaning “God Have Mercy”.
Still, if I’m travelling down a road I MUST travel, which implies that you’d rather NOT travel down it, which implies that there will be uncomfortableness or maybe even peril on the aforementioned road … I’d rather keep my laser handy.